Monday, August 10, 2009

Heartbeat sounded great! We were all surprised by how loud and strong it was at only 10 weeks.

I love my boys :)

Our first post!

Yes, I know. I can't believe it took me this long to get us a blogspot.
I haven't updated our family website ( in forever, and I was thinking that a blogspot might be a little more accessible to friends and whatnot.

So right now, Henry is about 29months old, and I am 10 weeks pregnant with baby #2!
Today, we are going to see Dr. White for our first real preggo appointment. I was there for the pregnancy confirmation appointment at around 5 weeks because I was having a lot of dizzy spells, so they wanted to do some bloodwork. Then around 7 weeks I went back because we had a little scare, but everything turned out fine!
I can not wait to hear this baby's heartbeat!! Let's pray that there is just one in there.
I'm feeling so freaking huge lately I am a little nervous about that.

Hopefully I can continue to update the blog periodically with pregnancy updates, Henry updates, ad all around shananagins.

That is all for now :D